Web portal

How We Can Help You

A web portal is a website that serves as a centralized access point for a wide range of online information, services, and resources. It provides users with various features, such as search functionality, structured navigation, content personalization, and access to interactive services.

Web portals can be general, offering a wide array of content on various topics, or specialized, focusing on a specific sector or target audience. Additionally, they may include features such as discussion forums, messaging services, collaboration tools, e-commerce, and more.

Essentially, a web portal acts as a "gateway" to the online experience, providing users with a unified access point to the information and services they need, while giving businesses the opportunity to offer a personalized service or experience to their users/customers.

For over 20 years, we have been creating web portals for businesses, professionals, and public administrations using the OpenCms (Open Source) environment.

Our Services Include:

  • Development of web portals in the OpenCms environment
  • OpenCms version upgrades
  • Support, consulting, and training in OpenCms
  • Web portal implementation: evolutionary maintenance and new features
  • Maintenance: preventive maintenance (to prevent potential malfunctions) and corrective maintenance (to fix any bugs) for web portals
  • Integration with external systems
Regional Council of Sardinia

Regional Council of Sardinia

In 2020, Coranto won the contract for the maintenance of the Regional Council of Sardinia's website and for the construction of a new website for the Transparent Administration. Subsequently, Coranto was also assigned the maintenance of the Corecom website (Regional Communications Committee of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia).

The Transparent Administration website, in agreement with the administration, was developed using OpenCms version 11. The maintenance of the main website was carried out in a WordPress environment, while the Corecom website was managed using Drupal.

During the design and analysis phase, particular attention was paid to compliance with the web accessibility guidelines for public administration websites.

  • Period: 2020 - 2021
  • Customer: Consiglio Regionale della Sardegna
  • End user: Consiglio Regionale della Sardegna
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