Web applications

How We Can Help You

We develop applications that can be accessed through any web browser on a PC, tablet, or smartphone, without the need to install any software.

Our applications are customized and adaptable to fit any request or organizational structure, from professional offices to medical centers, hotel management systems to property management information systems, and from small and medium-sized businesses to larger, more complex organizations.

These are web applications displayed on web pages, but they behave similarly to native applications (those downloadable from iOS or Android stores, for example) when used on a mobile device.


The advantages are numerous: no installation required, compatibility with all devices regardless of the operating system, enhanced security and data management control, guaranteed accessibility and usability, and independence.

Our Services Include:

  • Development using Java technology
  • Service implementation: evolutionary maintenance and new features for applications developed by Coranto or Open Source
  • Maintenance: preventive maintenance (aimed at preventing potential malfunctions) and corrective maintenance (aimed at fixing any bugs) for the developed software
  • Integration with external information systems
Training Center LLC

Web application for Training Center LLC

The Training Center LLC specializes in the treatment and prevention of canine Leishmaniasis.

The center commissioned us to develop an application to assist with the recording of biological analyses for their patients. Previously, the recording work was done manually, with staff copying the analysis results onto spreadsheets.

Coranto developed an application that automatically reads PDF files of the biological analyses sent as email attachments from the veterinary clinic and uploads them to a database.

After logging into the reserved area, the center's staff can view, modify, and, if necessary, supplement the analysis data. A simple search function allows them to select patients whose data they want to view.

The application also enables the creation, modification, deletion, and viewing of patient records.

As a result, the application has spared the clinic's staff from the tedious task of manual data entry and made it easier to present the progression of the disease to patients' families in a clear and straightforward manner.

  • Typology: Web application
  • Period: 2023 - present
  • Customer: Training Center LLC
  • End user: Training Center LLC